Golden Girls Zoom Backgrounds


Well, hello there! Yes, it’s yours truly in The Golden Girls kitchen! Don’t you wish you could go there in real life? I know I do! Like a lot of people, I’ve been working from home during the COVID-19 outbreak, and this includes attending lots of online meetings in Zoom. I don’t mind it too much, to be honest, but it can get a little boring. Luckily, Zoom has a cool feature that lets you use your own photos as virtual backgrounds. Once I saw my coworkers using this feature with images from other television shows and movies, I had to make sure The Golden Girls were represented, too. There are some creative options out there, like the reimagined interiors from Modsy, but I just couldn’t settle for anything less than the actual sets.

Golden Girls sets collage

Yes, the resolution on these photos isn’t super great but, given the film quality of the episodes themselves, high resolution really isn’t possible. They’re fine for the gallery view in Zoom, though, and in most cases they’re also ok in the full screen view on laptops. For reference, I use a 13-inch MacBook Pro at home, and all of these photos have worked great for me as virtual backgrounds. If you’re using a larger laptop or monitor, though, they might appear more pixelated. Depending on your set up at home you may or may not need a green screen to get this feature to work. I recommend seeing if the virtual background option works for you on its own first before investing in one.

Without further ado, here are five photos of The Golden Girls set to transform and liven up your Zoom meetings! Simply right click and save any (or all!) of them and follow the instructions at the end to use them in Zoom.

The Living Room


It doesn’t get any better than the classic wicker and dusty rose motif of The Golden Girls living room!

The Kitchen


BYOC: bring your own cheesecake! And why not? You’re working from home after all!

The Lanai


After using the living room and kitchen for a few meetings, I was feeling the need to go out on the lanai for a bit. This set photo is perfect if you want to feel a little more relaxed and imagine yourself soaking up the Miami sun.

Blanche’s Bedroom


It’s just about impossible to find a shot of Blanche’s bedroom without one of the Girls in the way, so I had to crop this one from the pilot episode. I promise it’s a lot less pixelated in the smaller gallery view on Zoom, and there’s just enough of that famous wallpaper to let people know where you are.

The Petrillo Brooklyn Apartment


This one is a little bit of a deep dive for sure, but the Petrillo apartment has a comforting vintage appeal.

TV Land also tweeted some backgrounds, including the living room, a close up shot of the kitchen, and the front porch, along with a few others. You can grab those by clicking on the image below.

How to Use Virtual Zoom Backgrounds

  1. Open Zoom and click on your profile photo in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on Settings and then Virtual Background.
  3. Click on the plus (+) icon to the right of Choose Virtual Background. From there you can import the photo(s) you want to use as a background.

I’ve had a lot of fun using these set photos as virtual backgrounds for my work meetings! The living room and kitchen sets are instantly recognizable, and coworkers have been excited to see them. It’s been nice to see the virtual smiles on their faces when they realize what photos I’m using. I hope you have fun using these set photos as virtual backgrounds in Zoom! Let me know how they work for you in the comments.


7 thoughts on “Golden Girls Zoom Backgrounds

  1. I just found this feature recently but haven’t tried it out! But do we have to have the pictures only from our gallery or does Zoom offer any scapes?


  2. Amy A

    Amy Angney say to Bea Arthur awesome Job on Golden Girls whole cast my favorite things September 14 1985 Final episode seven season The was we met gave my 10 ratings. Happy birthday Bea Arthur awesome Fans Multiple Gift from Golden Girls Blanket callender frame script everything DVD lot say my favorite season seven Final episode seven season one Flew out of the cuckoos Dorothy nests walk away quick show everything nests Glad Lucas Hollingsworth helps you. Like wedding closer


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